💳 #11 Payments, Product, and Leadership w/ Kate Brennan Kate Brennan, the product lead for Stripe Terminal, Stripe’s in-person payments product, joined Arun and me in our 11th episode of the Techonomics podcast.
🤖 #10 Synthetic Data and Computer Vision w/ Kevin McNamara Kevin McNamara, the CEO of Parallel Domain, joined Arun and I in our 10th episode of the Techonomics podcast. We are excited to share this new episode with you as it dives into a bleeding edge topic – synthetic data.
🚚 #9 Robotics & Autonomous Semi Trucks w/ Çetin Meriçli In this episode, Çetin brings us through his journey into robotics, his opinions on the autonomous industry, and his quest to use unconventional methods to get us closer to full self-driving autonomy. It's a fascinating listen.
🎙 #8 Leadership, Communities & Clubhouse In this episode Bef spoke with us about leadership in Tech, what it takes to build a community, and his experience growing an audience on Clubhouse.
🎨 Cybersecurity, The Human Element, and $69.3 million DRM We're back with the 27th edition of Techonomics. We hit a milestone and now have 5,036 subscribers who get tech analysis delivered to their inbox! 🔊 Join Techonomics on Clubhouse here [https://www.joinclubhouse.com/club/Techonomics] Arun and I are planning to host discussions soon in the
🎧 #7 Mapping Self-Driving's Future with Ryan Falor, Part 2 [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/techonomics/id1550047652#episodeGuid=techonomicsnews.podbean.com%2Fe0185fcd-6472-38eb-b9ef-cdbbbcddd831] [https://open.spotify.com/episode/4J044ijqiqZCKGLohF4VPx?si=SbZWkEKSRzaqvpT25YSNQQ] [https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3RlY2hvbm9taWNzbmV3cy9mZWVkLnhtbA/episode/dGVjaG9ub21pY3NuZXdzLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2UwMTg1ZmNkLTY0NzItMzhlYi1iOWVmLWNkYmJiY2RkZDgzMQ?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwi4t9yYv7HvAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg] Hey there, A
🎧 #6 Mapping Self-Driving's Future with Ryan Falor, Part 1 In part one of this two part episode, Ryan talks with us about the history and business of digital maps since the late 90's and how the landscape is changing for new uses. In part 2, Ryan will build on the discussion to lead us through the importance of mapping in the self-driving space.